
My social learning Drupal distribution Eduglu is out for testing

Posted March 22, 2010

The first alpha of Eduglu is out and ready for testing. Download it at

What I hope to accomplish with this first Alpha?

My hope is that releasing this first of Eduglu will start a conversation about what shape should a Drupal educational distro take. Eduglu is a partial-implementation of my vision of what an Drupal education distro should be. But I’m well aware that my vision is limited in many ways and that the problems I’ve designed Eduglu to solve probably don’t even begin to cover all the different problems you as a collective are trying to solve.

So let’s get the conversation going. What do you think Eduglu should be? What problems are you facing? What would your dream social learning website be? If you’re building some sort of social learning tool on Drupal already (as I know many of you are), what are you trying to do and how?

So this first alpha is a chance for us to talk about what Eduglu should be. Once we’ve decided what Eduglu should be, we can start pushing toward a stable Beta release, fixing bugs and adding missing features.

Let’s get started!

Screencast of installation and initial setup of Eduglu

Tagged with drupal | education | learning | social learning | eduglu

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Kyle's profile picKyle Mathews lives and works in Seattle building useful things. You should follow him on Twitter. Currently exploring what's next and open to consulting.